Warwickshire Schools Library Service Supporting reading and learning in schools

Warwickshire Junior Book Award (WJBA) 2023 Winner

Warwickshire Schools Library Service are delighted to announce the 2023 Junior Book Award Winner for primary pupils in Years 5 and 6 (#WJBA2023). Our experienced team carefully selected the shortlist which is handed over to pupils who then read four of the most exciting books published during 2022 and then vote for their favourite towards the end of June 2023. 

From the shortlist of 'The Whisperling' by Hayley Hoskins, 'Grandpa Frank's Great Big Bucket List' by Jenny Pearson, 'The Unmorrow Curse' by Jasmine Richards and 'Ajay and the Mumbai Sun' by Varsha Shah, this year's winner is: 

  • The Unmorrow Curse by Jasmine Richards
  • Many CONGRATULATIONS go to Jasmine Richards and illustrators Pypah Santos and Jill Tytherleigh, along with the team at UCLan Publishing.

This award takes place every year and is open to all schools to take part.

The WJBA supports the curriculum (and Ofsted initiatives) in the following areas:
• Promotes reading for pleasure and encourages book chat
• Encourages literacy across the curriculum due to the subject nature of the books
• Provides an opportunity for pupils to have an independent choice of reading material
• Introduces pupils to a new range of authors and texts, supporting their wider reading opportunities

Benefits of taking part:
• Reading and voting on four top reads (pupils really do decide the winner!)
• Open discussions, often pupil led
• Teachers/librarians as co-readers (a wonderful opportunity for modelling!)
• Teacher toolkit to help pupils make the most of taking part
• Exciting competitions to enter
• WJBA shortlist posters and bookmarks for your school/pupils.
• Invitation to our Final Awards Ceremony at The Bridge House Theatre, Warwick. 

If you would like more information about how to take part, please email schoolslibraryservice@warwickshire.gov.uk